Hallo sobat blogger kali ini saya akan share Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen,tau apa itu Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen,yang pastinya sebagian sobat blogger sudah ada yang tau apa itu Real VNC.?? Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen adalah sebuah software remote access dan control software dimana dengan Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen dapat meremote/mentranfer data secara langsung,Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen hampir mirip dengan Team viewer yang sebelumnya sudah saya share beberapa hari yang lalu.dan Real VNC Enterprise 5.0.2 Full keygen sangat cocok untuk di warnet dan perkantoran.
Password : apri naldi
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Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013
Download Norton Ghost Full Version Download Norton Ghost Full Version
Norton Ghost Full Version adalah aplikasi canggih dari Symantec yang menyediakan perlindungan yang tinggi terhadapat suatu file dan folder melalui back-up canggih dan pemulihan yang luar biasa. Antarmuka Norton Ghost Full Version ini sangat simple dan sederhana, sehingga sangat mudah dipahami oleh orang awam sekalipun. Beberapa fitur yang terlihat di antarmuka Norton Ghost Full Version ini secara langsung adalah : the existing recovery points, the created backup schedule, the task management section, the additional tools and the backup history.
Norton Ghost Full Version menekankan kebutuhan bagi pengguna untuk membuat restore point sebagai cadangan awal, dan pengguna disarankan untuk melakukannya sesuai dengan petunjuk yang disediakan. Dengan cara ini, jika ada sesuatu yang salah yang anda lakukan terhadap PC anda, mudah untuk mengembalikan PC ke keadaan sebelumnya ketika bekerja dengan benar. Atau, seseorang dapat menyalin titik pemulihan untuk DVD atau CD, atau bahkan menjelajahi file yang berada dalam cadangan.
Fitur-fitur Norton Ghost Full Version:
• Cold Imaging lets you back up files without installing Ghost.
• Blu-ray Disc allows you to back up large amounts of data to high-capacity Blu-ray Disc — up to 25 GB per disc (50 GB dual-layer).
• Windows 7 support including support for Bitlocker provides enhanced data protection through drive encryption and integrity checking.
• Symantec ThreatCon integration leverages intelligence from Symantec’s industry-leading security research organization to automatically backup files whenever ThreatCon reaches a specified threat level.
• Full system (disk image) backup lets you easily backup everything on a hard drive or partition.
• File and folder backup lets you back up only the files and folders you choose, rather than backing up and entire disk.
• File backup search finds and backs up only the types of files you choose, such as photos, MP3 files, and documents.
• Incremental backup copies only files that have changed for fewer, faster backups.
• Customizable, event-based backup triggers backups based on key events, such as when you install a new program or when there are sudden increases in data storage.
• Offsite backup copies recovery points to a FTP site for easier offsite backup management.
• NAS backup gives you the option of backing up your files to network-attached storage devices.
• Advanced compression automatically compresses files so you can store more files in less space.
• Advanced encryption helps keep your sensitive documents safe from prying eyes.
• System protection lets you easily restore your system, applications and files even when you can’t restart the operating system.
• Google Desktop integration makes data recovery even faster with searchable backup indexes.
• LightsOut Restore lets you quickly restore your system without needing a bootable CD.
• Remote management lets you remotely control other Norton Ghost installations (12.0 and higher) on your local area network.
• Scheduled P2V allows you to automatically create a virtual disk from your most recent backup.
• Version support lets you restore older disk images made with Ghost 10, 12 and 14.
• Multiple storage options let you back up to almost any media, including Blu-ray Disc, CDR/RW and DVD+-R/RW drives, USB and FireWire (IEEE 1394) devices, network drives, and Iomega Zip and Jaz drives.
• Norton Ghost Agent: 512 MB RAM
• Norton Ghost user interface and Recovery Point Browser: 512 MB RAM
• Symantec Recovery Disk: 1 GB RAM minimum (dedicated)
• LightsOut Restore: 1 GB RAM
• When you install the entire product: Up to 430 MB is required for a full install, depending on the language of the product you select.
• Recovery points: Sufficient hard disk space on a local hard disk or network server for storing recovery points.
• The size of recovery points depends on the amount of data you have backed up and the type of recovery point that is stored.
• LightsOut Restore: 2 GB HDD space
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later
• The following virtual platforms are supported: VMware Workstation 4, 5, and 6; VMware ESX 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0; VMware ESXi 3.5 and 4.0; VMware Server 1; Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 and later; Microsoft Hyper-V 1.0 and 2.0
What's New in Norton Ghost Full Version:
• VMware ESX 3.5i and 4.0i
• VMware ESX 3.5 and 4.0
Norton Ghost now includes support for the following platforms:
• Windows 7 (all editions)
• Windows Vista with SP2 (includes Home Basic, Home Premium, Business-Retail, and Ultimate)
Panduan Instalasi:
2:Install as your installing turn of live updates use one of the keys to activate
3:block software with a firewall so it will not phone home :)
Semoga Bermanfaat, ^_^
Passwordnya ; www.gigapurbalingga.com
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Norton Ghost Full Version adalah aplikasi canggih dari Symantec yang menyediakan perlindungan yang tinggi terhadapat suatu file dan folder melalui back-up canggih dan pemulihan yang luar biasa. Antarmuka Norton Ghost Full Version ini sangat simple dan sederhana, sehingga sangat mudah dipahami oleh orang awam sekalipun. Beberapa fitur yang terlihat di antarmuka Norton Ghost Full Version ini secara langsung adalah : the existing recovery points, the created backup schedule, the task management section, the additional tools and the backup history.
Norton Ghost Full Version menekankan kebutuhan bagi pengguna untuk membuat restore point sebagai cadangan awal, dan pengguna disarankan untuk melakukannya sesuai dengan petunjuk yang disediakan. Dengan cara ini, jika ada sesuatu yang salah yang anda lakukan terhadap PC anda, mudah untuk mengembalikan PC ke keadaan sebelumnya ketika bekerja dengan benar. Atau, seseorang dapat menyalin titik pemulihan untuk DVD atau CD, atau bahkan menjelajahi file yang berada dalam cadangan.
Fitur-fitur Norton Ghost Full Version:
• Cold Imaging lets you back up files without installing Ghost.
• Blu-ray Disc allows you to back up large amounts of data to high-capacity Blu-ray Disc — up to 25 GB per disc (50 GB dual-layer).
• Windows 7 support including support for Bitlocker provides enhanced data protection through drive encryption and integrity checking.
• Symantec ThreatCon integration leverages intelligence from Symantec’s industry-leading security research organization to automatically backup files whenever ThreatCon reaches a specified threat level.
• Full system (disk image) backup lets you easily backup everything on a hard drive or partition.
• File and folder backup lets you back up only the files and folders you choose, rather than backing up and entire disk.
• File backup search finds and backs up only the types of files you choose, such as photos, MP3 files, and documents.
• Incremental backup copies only files that have changed for fewer, faster backups.
• Customizable, event-based backup triggers backups based on key events, such as when you install a new program or when there are sudden increases in data storage.
• Offsite backup copies recovery points to a FTP site for easier offsite backup management.
• NAS backup gives you the option of backing up your files to network-attached storage devices.
• Advanced compression automatically compresses files so you can store more files in less space.
• Advanced encryption helps keep your sensitive documents safe from prying eyes.
• System protection lets you easily restore your system, applications and files even when you can’t restart the operating system.
• Google Desktop integration makes data recovery even faster with searchable backup indexes.
• LightsOut Restore lets you quickly restore your system without needing a bootable CD.
• Remote management lets you remotely control other Norton Ghost installations (12.0 and higher) on your local area network.
• Scheduled P2V allows you to automatically create a virtual disk from your most recent backup.
• Version support lets you restore older disk images made with Ghost 10, 12 and 14.
• Multiple storage options let you back up to almost any media, including Blu-ray Disc, CDR/RW and DVD+-R/RW drives, USB and FireWire (IEEE 1394) devices, network drives, and Iomega Zip and Jaz drives.
• Norton Ghost Agent: 512 MB RAM
• Norton Ghost user interface and Recovery Point Browser: 512 MB RAM
• Symantec Recovery Disk: 1 GB RAM minimum (dedicated)
• LightsOut Restore: 1 GB RAM
• When you install the entire product: Up to 430 MB is required for a full install, depending on the language of the product you select.
• Recovery points: Sufficient hard disk space on a local hard disk or network server for storing recovery points.
• The size of recovery points depends on the amount of data you have backed up and the type of recovery point that is stored.
• LightsOut Restore: 2 GB HDD space
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later
• The following virtual platforms are supported: VMware Workstation 4, 5, and 6; VMware ESX 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0; VMware ESXi 3.5 and 4.0; VMware Server 1; Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 and later; Microsoft Hyper-V 1.0 and 2.0
What's New in Norton Ghost Full Version:
• VMware ESX 3.5i and 4.0i
• VMware ESX 3.5 and 4.0
Norton Ghost now includes support for the following platforms:
• Windows 7 (all editions)
• Windows Vista with SP2 (includes Home Basic, Home Premium, Business-Retail, and Ultimate)
Panduan Instalasi:
2:Install as your installing turn of live updates use one of the keys to activate
3:block software with a firewall so it will not phone home :)
Semoga Bermanfaat, ^_^
Passwordnya ; www.gigapurbalingga.com
Selasa, 03 September 2013
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013
Senin, 29 Juli 2013
Tips Agar Link Adf.ly Banyak Yang Klik Dengan Mudah Tips Agar Link Adf.ly Banyak Yang Klik Dengan Mudah
Sudah lama kayaknya engga ngasih tips tentang Bisnis Online, akhirnya saya sempatkan hari ini untuk ngeshare Tips Agar Link Adf.ly Banyak Yang Klik Dengan Mudah. Banyak berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, dan salah satunya dengan menggunakan jasa Adf.ly, dan sekarang saya akan berbagi sedikit tentang tips agar link adf.ly banyak yang klik. Ya, semakin banyak orang yang mengunjungi link kita, semakin banyak pula uang yang kita hasilkan. OK langsung aja simak tips dibawah ini!.
1. Membuat Link Popup
Window Di Blog
Sebenarnya cara
ini sangat simple, cara kerjanya jika ada yang mengunjungi blog kita otomatis
link adf.ly sobat akan terbuka. Jika ingin memasang popup diblog sobat tinggal
tambahkan kode HTML dibawah ini ke widget blog sobat
<script type='text/javascript'>
popurls=new Array()
openpopup(popurl) { var winpops=window.open(popurl,'','width=,height=,toolbar,location,status,scrollbars,menubar,resizable')
openpopup(popurls[Math.floor(Math.random()* (popurls.length))])
2. Membagikan Link
AdF.ly ke Jejaring Sosial
Tips ini adalah
tips yang paling gampang dan tidak membutuhkan blog. Caranya tinggal
mempromosikan link AdF.ly sobat ke Jejaring Sosial, saya sarankan promosikan
link anda ke Fanspage Facebook yang likersnya mencapai jutaan dengan cara
berkomentar dengan menyisipkan link AdF.ly anda.
3. Menambah Link
AdF.ly ke Link Download
Jika sobat
mempunyai blog/website yang menyediakan link download, persingkatlah link
tersebut dengan menggunakan AdF.ly dan sebarkan diblog anda. Semakin banyak
pengunjung blog, semakin banyak pula uang yang dihasilkan ^^
Tips ini cara
kerjanya adalah jika pengunjung mengklik link diblog sobat otomatis link
tersebut akan tertuju ke AdF.ly dan jika pengunjung ingin kembali kehalaman
selanjutnya, pengunjung harus menunggu 5 detik dan mengklik SKIP AD dipojok
kanan atas. Jika ingin memasang script tersebut copy kode dibawah ini dan paste
kan ke widget blog sobat!.
adfly_id = 3427606;
adfly_advert = 'int';
domains = ['depositfiles.com', 'rapidshare.com', 'vip-file.com', 'smsfiles.ru',
'4files.net', 'turbobit.ru', 'uploading.com', 'letitbit.net',
'depositfiles.ru', 'sms4file.com', 'ifolder.ru', 'hotfile.com', 'anyfiles.net',
'sharingmatrix.com', 'megashare.com', 'megaupload.com', 'rapidshare.de',
'rapidshare.ru', 'uploadbox.com', 'filefactory.com', 'filefactory.ru',
'filepost.ru', 'onefile.net', 'freefolder.net', 'getthebit.com',
Keterangan: Ganti
angka yang berwarna Merah tersebut dengan ID AdF.ly milik sobat.
Tips ini sama
dengan tips no. 4 bedanya jika pengunjung mengklik link diblog sobat otomatis
link tersebut akan tertuju ke AdF.ly tetapi ini hanya berfungsi sebagian. Jika
ingin memasang script tersebut copy kode tersebut dan paste kan ke widget blog
adfly_id = 3427606;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
frequency_cap = 5;
frequency_delay = 5;
init_delay = 3;
Keterangan: Untuk
angka yang berwarna Merah ganti dengan ID AdF.ly milik sobat, sedangkan untuk
angka yang berwarna Biru adalah jumlah pengunjung blog yang akan berfungsi
dengan script ini!.
7 Best URL shorteners of 2013 And Their Benefits; Easy to use URL shorteners, Hide your links completely. 7 Best URL shorteners of 2013 And Their Benefits; Easy to use URL shorteners, Hide your links completely.
In an article this week, Delicious founder Joshua Schachter made some very compelling arguments for why URL shorteners might be bad for the web. However, I want to make some points for the opposite argument: that URL shorteners are good for web culture and the growth of the Internet. Here are my reasons for why URL shorteners are useful to the web:
One of the reasons that bit.ly has received so much attention lately is because of the comprehensive data Bitly provides in the form of live click data, geographic location, the webpage the link where the link was clicked, and more. This type of information is invaluable to webmasters and companies – it shows where customers are coming from, when they are coming, and what interests them.
This type of information helps companies develop better products and webmasters produce more targeted content. Detailed information makes the economy more efficient.
There was a good piece on GigaOM that discussed how Bit.ly could launch its own version of Digg. While this may or may not be Bit.ly’s eventual goal (just like Digg, a URL shortener could be gamed), it’s clear that the data that URL shorteners can accumulate, coupled with the rise of short URL sharing on Twitter and other websites, could amount to some innovative social media services that display popular links, rank domains, and act as a filter or aggregate of social media content.
URL shorteners, in their own way, work as aggregates of information. This can lead to some useful mashups and innovations in how people share and digest content.
A new URL shortener, Pagetweet, caught my eye. It’s a little more complicated than other URL shorteners (I don’t understand why it requires a security code), but when you look at an actual page via Pagetweet, it provides a useful interface for sharing via social media, seeing the number of views, and more.
Because it’s so easy for companies to enter this space, innovations are constantly being made that improve the user experience. Digg recently launched a DiggBar and Digg URL shortener, which provides information on the number of Diggs and comments any article has received. This is only the beginning.
Users also have a choice – they can follow links that will provide features, or simply choose ones with only the necessary functionality to get them to a web page. All in all though, URL shorteners can improve the browsing experience.
You can simply fit more links and content in less space with URL shorteners. A tweet can describe and then link to a webpage in under 140 characters, while a full URL might not even come with an explanation.
Even more important is the rise of mobile smartphones, texting, and mobile Internet – it’s far easier to text in a short URL than a long one. As Twitter, social media, and mobile Internet become more popular, the need to make sharing web content easier will increase. Shorter URLs are becoming more and more integral to that cause.
1) Su.pr: The Official URL Shortener from Stumble Upon and one of the best available in the market.
- Help to Increase traffic.
- Real time analytics showing how many people click through the links and how many people came through StumbleUpon.
- Suggest the best posting time based on past data.
- Tells the number of retweets and reviews.
- History Viewer.
- Sharing functionality
2) Goo.gl: Official URL shortener from Google.
- Reliable and trusted.
- Shows real time click analytics on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and all time basis of all the short Google links.
- Public Stats
3) Bitly:
- View complete, real-time traffic & analytics data.
- Sharing functionality
- Bitly is available via website, browser extensions, mobile web, & numerous third-party tools.
- Build good traffic.
4) Tinyurl:
- Browser toolbar
- Hide Affiliate URLs
- Preview Feature
5) Budurl: Budurl comes with lot of additional premium features apart from shortening the link.
- Emails to prospects & clients
- QR Code integration for print campaigns
- Use their Mobile Micro-Sites to drive traffic for mobile campaigns
- Schedule your Tweets
- Detailed stats of Blog posts & comments on sites
- Links to PDFs and other files on my website and in emails
- Affiliate links
- Advertising links
6) Is.gd:
- Make URLs easier to read aloud using our custom shortened URL facility or our pronounceable URL facility.
- Make QR codes of shortened URL links.
7) Cli.gs:
- Custom Links
- Private Detailed stats
- Displays geolocation data as a map rather than a chart.
- Sharing feature
Despite the useful qualities of URL shorteners, I still have reservations. As Schachter stated in his blog post on URL shorteners, a URL shortening service being hacked could instill havoc across the web: destroying links to websites or (worse) turning them into malware links. This and other possibilities are frightening, which is why entrepreneurs need to lead the way in creating new innovations to make URL shorteners faster, more secure, and more friendly to the users. It’s clear that URL shorteners are here to stay: the challenge for the web community is to find ways to enjoy their benefits and protect against their downfalls.
Good news: innovation seems to be accelerating. Bit.ly recently raised approximately $2 million in venture funding, Digg just launched its URL shortener, and StumbleUpon is coming out with its own as well. But more innovations, in the form of WordPress plugins, shorteners not reliant on 3rd party redirects, and social media features, are needed if URL shorteners are to be a mainstay of the web. I predict that there will be a day when every domain has URL shortening capabilities, lessening the load on the web and DNS. And don’t be surprised if Twitter comes out with a URL shortener of its own.
Do you have thoughts or predictions on URL shorteners? Want to share an innovative UR
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One of the reasons that bit.ly has received so much attention lately is because of the comprehensive data Bitly provides in the form of live click data, geographic location, the webpage the link where the link was clicked, and more. This type of information is invaluable to webmasters and companies – it shows where customers are coming from, when they are coming, and what interests them.
This type of information helps companies develop better products and webmasters produce more targeted content. Detailed information makes the economy more efficient.
There was a good piece on GigaOM that discussed how Bit.ly could launch its own version of Digg. While this may or may not be Bit.ly’s eventual goal (just like Digg, a URL shortener could be gamed), it’s clear that the data that URL shorteners can accumulate, coupled with the rise of short URL sharing on Twitter and other websites, could amount to some innovative social media services that display popular links, rank domains, and act as a filter or aggregate of social media content.
URL shorteners, in their own way, work as aggregates of information. This can lead to some useful mashups and innovations in how people share and digest content.
A new URL shortener, Pagetweet, caught my eye. It’s a little more complicated than other URL shorteners (I don’t understand why it requires a security code), but when you look at an actual page via Pagetweet, it provides a useful interface for sharing via social media, seeing the number of views, and more.
Because it’s so easy for companies to enter this space, innovations are constantly being made that improve the user experience. Digg recently launched a DiggBar and Digg URL shortener, which provides information on the number of Diggs and comments any article has received. This is only the beginning.
Users also have a choice – they can follow links that will provide features, or simply choose ones with only the necessary functionality to get them to a web page. All in all though, URL shorteners can improve the browsing experience.
You can simply fit more links and content in less space with URL shorteners. A tweet can describe and then link to a webpage in under 140 characters, while a full URL might not even come with an explanation.
Even more important is the rise of mobile smartphones, texting, and mobile Internet – it’s far easier to text in a short URL than a long one. As Twitter, social media, and mobile Internet become more popular, the need to make sharing web content easier will increase. Shorter URLs are becoming more and more integral to that cause.
1) Su.pr: The Official URL Shortener from Stumble Upon and one of the best available in the market.
- Help to Increase traffic.
- Real time analytics showing how many people click through the links and how many people came through StumbleUpon.
- Suggest the best posting time based on past data.
- Tells the number of retweets and reviews.
- History Viewer.
- Sharing functionality
2) Goo.gl: Official URL shortener from Google.
- Reliable and trusted.
- Shows real time click analytics on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and all time basis of all the short Google links.
- Public Stats
3) Bitly:
- View complete, real-time traffic & analytics data.
- Sharing functionality
- Bitly is available via website, browser extensions, mobile web, & numerous third-party tools.
- Build good traffic.
4) Tinyurl:
- Browser toolbar
- Hide Affiliate URLs
- Preview Feature
5) Budurl: Budurl comes with lot of additional premium features apart from shortening the link.
- Emails to prospects & clients
- QR Code integration for print campaigns
- Use their Mobile Micro-Sites to drive traffic for mobile campaigns
- Schedule your Tweets
- Detailed stats of Blog posts & comments on sites
- Links to PDFs and other files on my website and in emails
- Affiliate links
- Advertising links
6) Is.gd:
- Make URLs easier to read aloud using our custom shortened URL facility or our pronounceable URL facility.
- Make QR codes of shortened URL links.
7) Cli.gs:
- Custom Links
- Private Detailed stats
- Displays geolocation data as a map rather than a chart.
- Sharing feature
Despite the useful qualities of URL shorteners, I still have reservations. As Schachter stated in his blog post on URL shorteners, a URL shortening service being hacked could instill havoc across the web: destroying links to websites or (worse) turning them into malware links. This and other possibilities are frightening, which is why entrepreneurs need to lead the way in creating new innovations to make URL shorteners faster, more secure, and more friendly to the users. It’s clear that URL shorteners are here to stay: the challenge for the web community is to find ways to enjoy their benefits and protect against their downfalls.
Good news: innovation seems to be accelerating. Bit.ly recently raised approximately $2 million in venture funding, Digg just launched its URL shortener, and StumbleUpon is coming out with its own as well. But more innovations, in the form of WordPress plugins, shorteners not reliant on 3rd party redirects, and social media features, are needed if URL shorteners are to be a mainstay of the web. I predict that there will be a day when every domain has URL shortening capabilities, lessening the load on the web and DNS. And don’t be surprised if Twitter comes out with a URL shortener of its own.
Do you have thoughts or predictions on URL shorteners? Want to share an innovative UR
Top 5 best url shortner websites to Earn Money Top 5 best url shortner websites to Earn Money
URL shortening on your blog is the best way to earn money via your links if you have a huge traffic on your websites then you can easily earn up to $100 or more. URL shortening services are used by millions of bloggers to earn money. There are thousands of URl Shortening websites scattered over the web. Some of them are free and some of them get paid for it. URL shortener is an online application that allows the user to short their long tail url's in specific links. Here are some top URL shortening websites many of bloggers aware from it but those who don't let see some features and ways to make money through shortening your links.
How to earn money from URL Shortening Websites
1. Sign up with desired shortening url provider which listed below.
2. Copy your blog links and shortened them from your account.
3. Share these links anywhere with your friends, social networking, websites, download links.
4. Whenever someone click on your shortening links they will go through short advertisements 5-10 seconds.
5. After this they can skip the ad and view the desired link that was hidden behind that short link.
6. That's it, you are paid for every views as per 1000 visitors basis.
Top 5 best shorten URL to earn money
Adf.ly is the most popular url shortener service provider best for the bloggers. Recently adf.ly increases its revenue to $5 per 1000 visits. They pays on time. Minimum payout to their users whose earning is above $5.
2. CashFly
CashFly.com is an another best alternative to ad.fly. Payment options available via PayPal, Check and NET 30 payment. Highest rates available for specific countries. Minimum Payout is $4 for transfer
3. ReduceLnk
ReduceLNk.com is an another new url shortener service provider. They newly entered in the link shortening and grows rapidly. They have also additional credits for those who reached 10, 100, 1000 referrals. Highest Payout rates similar as adf.ly and certified by Digicert Assurance. Minimum Payout is $5.
4. Adv.li
Adv.li is a free url shortening service where you get paid to share your destination links over the web. They pays you $4 or more for 1000 visits. They have a special feature you can shrink hundreds of links by using bulk link shrinker. But the minimum Payout is high as compared to other url shortener. You will get paid when your account reached $20 or more.
5. Adsyce
Adsyce.com has newly entered in business to shortening links. Currently they have only Paypal Payment option available. You get paid on first Monday of every month when your account get reached above $5 you get paid.
So these are the top 5 best url shortener service provider websites you may use any above of them. Every site has different payout rates on country basis check their faq section for best use to shortening your links. So just register to your desired account and make money online via just shrinking your link
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How to earn money from URL Shortening Websites
1. Sign up with desired shortening url provider which listed below.
2. Copy your blog links and shortened them from your account.
3. Share these links anywhere with your friends, social networking, websites, download links.
4. Whenever someone click on your shortening links they will go through short advertisements 5-10 seconds.
5. After this they can skip the ad and view the desired link that was hidden behind that short link.
6. That's it, you are paid for every views as per 1000 visitors basis.
Top 5 best shorten URL to earn money
Adf.ly is the most popular url shortener service provider best for the bloggers. Recently adf.ly increases its revenue to $5 per 1000 visits. They pays on time. Minimum payout to their users whose earning is above $5.
2. CashFly
CashFly.com is an another best alternative to ad.fly. Payment options available via PayPal, Check and NET 30 payment. Highest rates available for specific countries. Minimum Payout is $4 for transfer
3. ReduceLnk
ReduceLNk.com is an another new url shortener service provider. They newly entered in the link shortening and grows rapidly. They have also additional credits for those who reached 10, 100, 1000 referrals. Highest Payout rates similar as adf.ly and certified by Digicert Assurance. Minimum Payout is $5.
4. Adv.li
Adv.li is a free url shortening service where you get paid to share your destination links over the web. They pays you $4 or more for 1000 visits. They have a special feature you can shrink hundreds of links by using bulk link shrinker. But the minimum Payout is high as compared to other url shortener. You will get paid when your account reached $20 or more.
5. Adsyce
Adsyce.com has newly entered in business to shortening links. Currently they have only Paypal Payment option available. You get paid on first Monday of every month when your account get reached above $5 you get paid.
So these are the top 5 best url shortener service provider websites you may use any above of them. Every site has different payout rates on country basis check their faq section for best use to shortening your links. So just register to your desired account and make money online via just shrinking your link
Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013
Download game android gratis terbaru Download game android gratis terbaru
Tidak dapat di pungkiri bahwa android sekarang sudah merajai sistem operasi smartphone yang dahulu di genggam oleh windows dan symbian.
Nah, bagi anda yang sudah familiar atau sebagai pengguna ponsel android tentunya sudah kenal dengan fitur permainan di sistem operasi ini yang memiliki kemampuan grafis yang hebat dan didukung oleh hardware yang sangat powerfull untuk menjalankan game yang relatif berat. Untuk mendapatkan game android terbaru anda bisa menuju beberapa situs di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan koleksi game terbaru secara gratis.

Situs download game android gratis
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Tidak bisa diragukan, Gameloft adalah situs penyedia game kelas kakap untuk berbagai platform, mulai dari Java, Symbian, Windows Mobile hingga platform Android. GameLoft juga menyediakan permainan gratis bagi pengguna Android dengan alamat disini. Memang tidak banyak permainan yang disediakan, namun dijamin kualitas Game Android gratis dari Gameloft sangat memuaskan dengan grafik dan gameplay yang menarik.
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Google Play Android Market
Tidak bisa dipungkiri, Google Play (dahulu bernama Google Android Market) adalah situs terbesar penyedia berbagai macam aplikasi dan games bagi handphone Android. Selain menyediakan game berbayar, situs ini juga menyediakan game android yang gratis untuk di unduh melalui gadget anda. Untuk anda yang ingin berkunjung, langsung saja masuk ke Disini dari smartphone anda.
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