Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. The tutorial introduction
3. Tutorial 1
4. Tutorial 2
5. Tutorial 3
6. Tutorial 4
7. Tutorial 5
8. Tutorial 6
9. Other related stuff
10. Credits
Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to YoungDragon's Cheat Engine tutorial. In this tutorial, there are 9 chapters. This will give you a basic and more advance chance to try CheatEngine! Cheat Engine is a program which allows you scan addresses, change values, search process memory, and allows you to edit stuff you wouldn't usually be able to edit. Cheat Engine was founded and invented by Dark Byte. It's a very powerful and well known program. Cheat Engine can be downloaded here: Click me to go to the url!. Most Anti-virus's think Cheat Engine is a virus. It is NOT a virus. I want to make that perfectly clear. It has some tools that Anti-Virus's think are dangerous like hacking tools. If you are too scared to download it, download the retarded idiot version(It's for retarded idiots who don't trust anybody, by the way). Cheat Engine is a completely SAFE program. Also, is NOT responsible of any illegal use of Cheat Engine. If you get caught using it illegally, it's your problem. It was not intended for illegal use. Now, we will continue to the tutorial. Here is an image on what the program looks like(v6.1):
Chapter 2: The tutorial introduction
Cheat Engine comes with a FREE TUTORIAL! That's great! We will use that in this guide. To find it, click start, all programs, find the directory where Cheat Engine was installed(By default, it's Cheat Engine [version]), click Cheat Engine tutorial.
Here is what it looks like(v3)
This is where we will start the whole tutorial, which will help you with everything you need to know. Here is what Dark Byte wrote:
Dark Byte wrote:
Welcome to the Cheat Engine Tutorial. (v3.1)
This tutorial will try to explain the basics of cheating on games, and getting you more familiar with Cheat Engine.
First open Cheat Engine if it hasn't been opened yet.
Then click on the 'open process' icon. (top left icon, with the computer on it)
When the process window is open find this tutorial. The process name is probably 'tutorial.exe' unless you
renamed it.
Select it, and click ok. Just ignore all the other buttons right now, but experiment with them later if you feel like it.
When everything went right, the process window should be gone now and at the top of CE the processname is shown.
Now, click NEXT to continue to the next step. (Or fill in the password to proceed to that particular step you want)
Now, you will have to get the process of Cheat Engine Tutorial. On the top left of the screen, there is a glowing computer.
Click it to open the process menu.
Click the Cheat engine tutorial process.
Click the Cheat engine tutorial process.
Click Open and you have successfully gotten a process loaded in Cheat Engine!
Press "Next" to go to tutorial 1 and read Chapter 3.
Note: You can save the passwords it gives you so you can continue where you were. Thank Dark Byte!
Press "Next" to go to tutorial 1 and read Chapter 3.
Note: You can save the passwords it gives you so you can continue where you were. Thank Dark Byte!
Chapter 3: Tutorial 1
This is the most BASIC tutorial you have! After you press next, this is what you will get:
Dark Byte wrote:
Step 2: Exact Value scanning (PW=XXXXXX)
Now that you have opened the tutorial with Cheat Engine lets get on with the next step.
You see at the bottom of this window the text Health: xxx
Each time you click 'Hit me' your health gets decreased.
To get to the next step you have to find this value and change it to 1000
To find the value there are different ways, but I'll tell you about the easiest, 'Exact Value':
First make sure value type is set to at least 2 bytes or 4 bytes, 1 byte will also work, but you'll run into a (easy to fix)
problem when you've found the address and want to change it. The 8-byte may perhaps works if the
bytes after the address are 0, but I wouldn't take the bet.
Single, double, and the other scans just don't work, because they store the value in a different way.
When the value type is set correctly, make sure the scantype is set to 'Exact Value'
Then fill in the number your health is in the value box. And click 'First Scan'
After a while (if you have a extremely slow pc) the scan is done and the results are shown in the list on the
If you find more than 1 address and you don't know for sure which address it is, click 'Hit me', fill in the new
health value into the value box, and click 'Next Scan'
repeat this until you're sure you've found it. (that includes that there's only 1 address in the list.....)
Now double click the address in the list on the left. This makes the address pop-up in the list at the bottom,
showing you the current value.
Double click the value, (or select it and press enter), and change the value to 1000.
If everything went ok the next button should become enabled, and you're ready for the next step.
If you did anything wrong while scanning, click "New Scan" and repeat the scanning again.
Also, try playing around with the value and click 'hit me'
This tutorial stores your health using the 4 byte data value. Cheat Engine uses this by default. In this case, you are given the EXACT value of health you have (100). Go to Cheat Engine and in the Value box, type in 100. Click first scan.
Look to the left. Find a table that shows "Address" and "Value". An address is where the data is stored and the value is what the data is. The actual value.
Go to the tutorial and click "Hit me". Your health should go down. My health got to 99. The health you got will be called "myHp". Whenever I refer to myHp, you get the number you have as your health. Go back to Cheat Engine and then type myHp(The health number) you got into the value box. Then press next scan.
You should come up with ONE value. Now, my address is 00259FF0. Your address will be different. If it's different, don't say "OMGZZZ, I DIDZ IT WRONGZZZZ. FUCKZZZ THIS TUTORIALZZZ!!!!!!!!" It will not be the same every time. Addresses change. Double click the address with the value of myHp(The health number. Mine is 99). It should then also be at the bottom.
Now, you see the "Next" button is grey and blocked so you can't go to the next tutorial. (
Don't worry, we will make it clickable now! To go to the next tutorial,
the value has to be >1000(Greater then 1000). Double click the value
section at bottom left side. You should get this:
Change the value to 1000 and press OK.
Go back to Cheat Engine tutorial and see that the
Next button is unlocked! WAIT! Don't click it. Click "Hit me" and your
Health should go UP to 99x.(Change the value to 1000 and press Next to
finish Tutorial 1)
You have now finished Tutorial 1!
You have now finished Tutorial 1!
to be continued just waiting....
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